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Whooo... one happy father-to-be winner!

2 Jul 18

Credit: This prize could buy years worth of nappies..
Whooo... one happy father-to-be winner!

A father-to-be has won Horizon’s June 30 prize draw for $2,199 cash.

Lower Hutt professional KH said: “Whooo. Fantastic” when told of his win.

He says he and his wife’s baby is due soon.

Asked what they’d be spending it on he says: “Baby stuff! We’ve been doing a budget recently and things are going to be quite tight.” His wife will give up working for a year.

Told it equated to about a two-year supply of disposable nappies he says: “From having a previous child I know it’s probably not the biggest single cost, but nappies certainly make up the biggest item in the weekly grocery bill and feel like it.”

He has been a HorizonPoll panel member since November 21, 2011, completing 105 surveys since.

“I used to do them on the train on the way to work. It’s quite interesting. You see a lot of your results in the news and also other research ones which aren’t.”

Every member of Horizon’s nationwide HorizonPoll and Horizon Research Maori panels is in our next draw for $2,199 cash on September 30.

Joining our panel community and doing surveys and entering prize draws couldn’t be easier...

Register here – and you’ll have immediate chance to be heard in your first survey.

We’re also pleased these three panel members have each won $100 in a special prize draw for those completing a June survey:

Nicola S

Brendon P.

Raj M.