10 Mar 25 – Improving the health system heads the list of issues New Zealanders think are the most important for the current government to take action on in 2025. A Horizon Research survey, putting a choice of 37 issues to respondents, finds the top five are: ...
13 Sep 24 – Animal Policy International has released results of Horizon polling on whether or not imported food products should respect the animal welfare standards applying in New Zealand. Animal Policy International says: People in New Zealand put significant...
15 Mar 24 – Kiwis are telling the government to focus most on improving health, rising food prices and affordable housing. Horizon Research presented a list of 42 issues and asked respondents which were the most important for the current government to take action on in 2024. ...
29 Sep 23 – A new study shows the extent to which New Zealanders’ party voting choices are divided on co-governance, Treaty of Waitangi, and racial harmony. While accusations of playing the race card have emerged in election debates, the Horizon Research study finds that...
12 May 20 – Half of New Zealand's adults support a lump sum cash payment being paid to everyone and 67% think will be an effective way of stimulating the economy. A Horizon Research survey finds 23% think it will not be effective. The results mean an estimated...
20 Apr 20 – New research shows what New Zealanders say they will do when released from Alert Level 4 lockdown. In the first six months, if allowed, there will be huge surges in custom for the retail, postal and courier and travel sectors. Within these, fast food...
23 Jan 20 – Auckland father James P is going to invest his major $2,199 HorizonPoll win in growing food. He says he's going to help his family by buying a vegetable pod. He thinks it the sustainable thing to do - and a positive activity for this children. ...
19 Dec 18 – By Graeme Colman, Principal, Horizon Research A middle-aged man rode up to me in the supermarket carpark on a bicycle and asked for money to help feed his six- year-old boy. He said he hadn’t completed his benefit paperwork on...
6 Dec 17 – Across the range of elderly interviewed in a Horizon study for the Financial Services Council, many told of what life is like. Here are some comments made,...
7 Aug 17 – In the wake of public safety warnings issued for recent events like cyclones and tsunami, between 8 and 11% of New Zealand adults are less likely to believe them. A nationwide Horizon Research survey for Blackland PR in May 2016 asked...
20 Apr 16 – The value of recreational fishing has been established at nearly $1 billion a year. ...
4 Apr 16 – Many New Zealanders say harm caused by alcohol can be reduced if more people drink low-alcohol beer, a new survey shows. The Horizon survey of 1141 New Zealanders, published by the New Zealand Food...
8 Sep 15 – Strong public support for the Government to take a lead on healthy food in schools and childcare services is revealed in a recent poll. Results showed 78 percent are in favour of the government requiring schools and childcare services...
8 Sep 15 – While 1 in 10 of our school pupils is obese and 1 in 5 is over weight, 4 out of 10 schools are not running a healthy food programme. The New Zealand Herald has run these reaction...
27 Jul 15 – A survey of New Zealanders by Horizon Research in June found that 61% respondents would take their soft plastic bags back to a drop off recycling bin at supermarkets and other locations if this service were provided. ...
20 Jul 15 – A HorizonPoll finds a large majority of New Zealand adults support government action on restricting unhealthy food marketing to children. The poll carried out in June this year, showed a majority of 73 percent in favour of Government action on restrictions. ...
2 Apr 15 – Plenty of us are skipping breakfast. And it's making the news in the National Business Review which reports: The egg industry wants to increase breakfast-time...
10 Mar 14 – A new independent survey shows New Zealanders believe the economy is either too heavily dependent on dairy farming (37%) or the growth of intensive dairying has gone too far (31%). Only 19% believe the country should continue to grow dairy farming, with more cows per...
10 Mar 14 – A new independent survey shows an overwhelming majority of Kiwis don’t want large-scale irrigation schemes and intensive agriculture expansion if there is failure to protect downstream waterways so that they remain safe for swimming, fishing and food gathering. The...
18 Feb 14 – More than 850,000 adult New Zealanders believe they or someone in their household have developed health problems as a result of consuming sugar. However, they prefer reducing the amount of sugar in drinks and reducing the size of sugar-containing drinks to imposing a sugar...
6 Jun 13 – Ethical worries are staging a comeback in the battle of conscience versus price, after suffering some serious post-recession fatigue. Each year the Sustainable Business Council/Fairfax Business and Consumer Behaviour Survey, conducted by Horizon Research, asks shoppers...
1 May 13 – New Zealanders believe technology has resulted in a timesaving of six hours a week on average compared with a decade ago; however, three quarters of us are still feeling the pressure when it comes to managing our time. According to the Visa payWave Currency of Time Survey,...
24 Jul 11 – More New Zealanders support than oppose a capital gains tax. The first nationwide poll conducted since the policy announcement finds 40.9% support Labour’s capital gains tax (CGT) proposal , 34.1% oppose, 17.9% are...
16 Jun 11 – Five HorizonPoll panellists have each won a $150 grocery voucher after taking part in our June food packaging survey. They are Edith V of the North Shore, Auckland; Barbara M, Christchurch; Andrea C, Upper Hutt; Peter H, Lower Hutt and Gretchen S of...
9 Mar 11 – More than 1,300 have joined HorizonPoll's new Maori Panel in less than 48 hours. Of these 1,050 had completed the first Maori Panel survey, covering issues ranging from the financial position of their households, to how well they feel consulted on iwi...
23 Jan 11 – ACCUSATIONS THAT New Zealand is one of the worst performers in the developed world when it comes to the income gap between rich and poor have been validated by a Sunday Star-Times survey. Conducted by Horizon Research, it shows the burgeoning gap between the haves...
28 Sep 10 – Getting water, sewerage and other basic services restored is the task most Canterbury residents want the Government and councils to focus on. The Second highest priority should be re housing, and rehabilitating the housing, of those whose homes are worst affected by...