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  • New Zealanders' top priority: improve the health system

    New Zealanders' top priority: improve the health system

    Improving the health system heads the list of issues New Zealanders think are the most important for the current government to take action on in 2025. A Horizon Research survey, putting a choice of 37 issues to respondents, finds the top five are: ...

  • Most major markets seen as uncompetitive

    Most major markets seen as uncompetitive

    New Zealanders think most major product and services markets serving them are uncompetitive. None of 12 markets measured by Horizon Research had a rating of more than 5.7 out of 10, where 0 was very uncompetitive and 10 very competitive). New...

  • Kiwis tell government what to focus on

    Kiwis tell government what to focus on

    Kiwis are telling the government to focus most on improving health, rising food prices and affordable housing. Horizon Research presented a list of 42 issues and asked respondents which were the most important for the current government to take action on in 2024. ...

  • The ethnic and political divide opening over co-governance

    The ethnic and political divide opening over co-governance

    A new study shows the extent to which New Zealanders’ party voting choices are divided on co-governance, Treaty of Waitangi, and racial harmony. While accusations of playing the race card have emerged in election debates, the Horizon Research study finds that...

  • Top 10 issues Kiwis most want new PM to focus on

    Top 10 issues Kiwis most want new PM to focus on

    New Zealanders are clear on the issues they most want the country’s new Prime Minister to focus on. A nationwide Horizon Research survey reveals the top 10 issues they most want addressed are: Cost of living 72% Health 61%...

  • 79,000 Kiwis worry higher interest rates may force dwelling sale

    79,000 Kiwis worry higher interest rates may force dwelling sale

    A Horizon poll finds 2% of the country’s adults think they will “definitely” have to sell a dwelling in the coming year because of higher interest rates. This equates to around 79,000 adults living in an estimated 37,788 home...

  • Māori support for Labour falls, Ardern preferred PM

    Māori support for Labour falls, Ardern preferred PM

    An exclusive HorizonPoll of Māori for The Hui television programme finds party vote support for Labour has gone soft, Jacinda Ardern is preferred Prime Minister and the cost of living is the top issue likely to influence party choice next year. Key findings from the...

  • Health the top factor driving New Zealanders’ party vote choices

    Health the top factor driving New Zealanders’ party vote choices

    Health is the issue most driving New Zealanders’ choice of party vote in this election. New polling by Horizon Research finds five issues rank above all others in overall importance. Health, a factor for 54%, equivalent...

  • New Zealanders’ main priority: getting back to work

    New Zealanders’ main priority: getting back to work

    New Zealanders overwhelmingly want economic stimulus measures which get people back to work. A Horizon Research survey of policies to stimulate the economy finds 79% support “getting people back to work”. ...

  • Kiwis: lump sum cash will work, will spend it on basics

    Kiwis: lump sum cash will work, will spend it on basics

    Half of New Zealand's adults support a lump sum cash payment being paid to everyone and 67% think will be an effective way of stimulating the economy. A Horizon Research survey finds 23% think it will not be effective. The results mean an estimated...

  • Most important issues for Kiwis: Health and affordable housing

    Most important issues for Kiwis: Health and affordable housing

    Health and affordable housing are the two main issues New Zealanders think are most important when it comes to deciding how they will cast their Party Vote in the September 19 general election. Of 27 issues, the 5 top-ranked in a nationwide Horizon Research survey in...

  • "Affordable house charade"

    "Affordable house charade"

    Poltical and economic journalist Bernard Hickey has written in the NewsroomPro news service he edits that Horizon's survey on what New Zealandes think are affordable house prices shows up how much current KiwiBuild policy is a...

  • House prices $300,000 above what New Zealanders think is affordable

    House prices $300,000 above what New Zealanders think is affordable

    On average New Zealanders think an affordable home price would be $375,200. This is $300,480 below Quotable Value’s national average house price, for the three months ending June 30, 2018. A Horizon Research nationwide survey finds ...

  • Pity the landlords: 60% suffer rent non-payments

    Pity the landlords: 60% suffer rent non-payments

    Six out of 10 landlords have had tenants not pay rent at some time. A Horizon Research survey finds only 40% say they have never had the problem. 1% say they have had a tenant failed to pay rent once a year or more. That's rent...

  • 72% support banning letting fees

    72% support banning letting fees

    An overwhelming majority of New Zealanders support a Government proposal to stop agents from charging letting fees for residential properties. 72% support the idea. Just 7% overall oppose, a Horizon Research survey finds. ...

  • Support for helping first home buyers with deposits

    Support for helping first home buyers with deposits

    More New Zealanders support than oppose the idea of a shared equity scheme to help people buy their first homes. 41% would support a scheme under which the Government and others might put money in as a deposit for first home buyers who are...

  • Ski areas hot amid overall property shortage

    Ski areas hot amid overall property shortage

    There are many more buyers than sellers intending to be active in the New Zealand property market in the next 12 months. This was a major finding in research released today by, the country’s largest property listing site with the most residential...

  • Public says yes to govt-council economic development deals

    Public says yes to govt-council economic development deals

    Nearly half of adult New Zealanders support the idea of the Government investing in special economic development deals with local authorities. A Horizon Research survey finds 49%  support the idea and just 13% oppose. Economic...

  • Property demand will greatly exceed supply in 2018

    Property demand will greatly exceed supply in 2018

    Demand for homes is projected to be three and half times greater than supply in the next 12 months. The gap between those who say are will “definitely...

  • Where the money's coming from in retirement

    Where the money's coming from in retirement

    Those over 65 and retired are relying strongly on the New Zealand Superannuation pension income (86%). Research by Horizon for the Financial Services Council, finds...

  • Labour best to manage most issues, but not the economy overall

    Labour best to manage most issues, but not the economy overall

    Definite voters think Labour is best to manage 10 of 17 major issues. A Horizon poll finds Labour is seen as better to manage health, housing, immigration,...

  • Majority support for Tuhoronuku to continue Treaty negotiations

    Majority support for Tuhoronuku to continue Treaty negotiations

    New research among Ngāpuhi released by Te Rōpū o Tūhoronuku shows 70% support for the Tūhoronuku Independent Mandated Authority continuing to represent Ngāpuhi in the Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown.  The survey, conducted by Horizon Research, involved...

  • DIR could stop 39% of Aucklanders buying a dwelling

    DIR could stop 39% of Aucklanders buying a dwelling

    39% of Aucklanders think they will not be able to buy homes if the Government gives the Reserve Bank a new power and home lending is limited to five times household income. Horizon Research finds the preferred debt to income ratio (DIR) of five favoured by the bank in a...

  • Oops, we bought a house ...

    Oops, we bought a house ...

    They weren’t intending to buy – but saw a property and did. New research for Property Press finds 14% of adults say this has happened to them. It happened to 16 out of every 100 who bought a property to live in during the past year. ...

  • Property media readership - newspapers beaten

    Property media readership - newspapers beaten

    Latest research finds readership of newspaper property sections trailing the specialist magazine Property Press. Property Press is being read by 1,296,500 New Zealanders each month. This puts the magazine ahead of daily and local newspapers' print...

  • Supply-demand gap of 48,000 dwellings for 2017

    Supply-demand gap of 48,000 dwellings for 2017

    The number of people nationwide saying they will “definitely” buy or sell a residential property in the next 12 months has decreased. Horizon Research has been tracking definite buying and selling intentions for ...

  • Aucklanders most concerned about trust, traffic and housing

    Aucklanders most concerned about trust, traffic and housing


  • Why run a Mayoral poll?

    Why run a Mayoral poll?

    Derek Handley says why his charitable foundation commissioned Auckland Mayoral election polling... At the last general election I was really keen to get young voters engaged and backed the concept of the ...

  • The great housing supply shortage

    The great housing supply shortage

    The gap between the number of people definitely wanting to buy and sell properties is the largest since Property Press started measuring it in 2010....

  • The big home supply and demand gap

    The big home supply and demand gap

      The number of people definitely looking to buy a residential...

  • The big and growing trend: working from home

    The big and growing trend: working from home

    The number of New Zealand adults working fulltime from home or remotely from their organisations has doubled in the past 9 years.   A Horizon Research survey finds 30% of New Zealand adult employees are now working full or part time from home or other remote locations. ...

  • Do New Zealanders still want the quarter-acre dream?

    Do New Zealanders still want the quarter-acre dream?

    Research conducted for the Centre for Sustainable Cities at the University of Otago, Wellington, indicates New Zealanders are moving towards the idea of mixed-use development where housing is within walking and cycling...

  • Cash win for moving family best timing ever!

    Cash win for moving family best timing ever!

    “Just the best timing ever!” That’s how a Wainuiomata mother of two Jacinta describes winning Horizon’s September 30, 2015, $2079 prize draw. “It’s like the best timing ever… we have to move home and my...

  • 91% of Ngapuhi consider treaty settlement, unity important

    91% of Ngapuhi consider treaty settlement, unity important

    The settlement of historical Te Tiriti Waitangi grievances and iwi unity are growing in importance to Ngāpuhi, a Horizon Research survey report finds.   Compared to a survey two years ago, the Ngāpuhi wish for settlement and tribal unity has strengthened, with more than 90%...

  • Flexing housing muscle trouble for Govt?

    Flexing housing muscle trouble for Govt?

    Do Aucklanders still want to decide the shape of their city, not central government? Housing Minister Nick Smith, in a story first broken by Radio NZ,  has reminded...

  • Nearly 30,000 more want to buy homes than want to sell

    Nearly 30,000 more want to buy homes than want to sell

    Any Reserve Bank relaxing of rules allowing banks to lend to more people with less than 20% deposits for homes would increase the number of “definite buyers” in the market from 5.9% to 7.3%.   Some 5.9% of adult New Zealanders say they are...

  • 41% say "force me to save"

    41% say "force me to save"

    The public resoundingly disagree with one university expert’s opinion that New Zealand does not have a savings problem and don’t need compulsory KiwiSaver.   The Financial Services Council (FSC) has released results of research undertaken by Horizon on support...

  • Listings fight could cost Trade Me up to 32% of its property traffic

    Listings fight could cost Trade Me up to 32% of its property traffic

    Trade Me faces significant risks if its recent price rises for property listings result in a further  shift of advertisements to its main competitor web site.   New research covering 2,471 adults nationwide finds that if the real...

  • Aucklanders oppose Government saying where to build houses

    Aucklanders oppose Government saying where to build houses

    Nearly seven out of 10 Aucklanders think their council should decide where new housing development in Auckland takes place, not central Government, according to a new survey.   56.2% also believe the Government should not have special powers, provided for in...

  • Government suffers poor performance ratings on Auckland issues

    Government suffers poor performance ratings on Auckland issues

    Nearly 47 out of 100 Aucklanders rated the Government’s performance on the Central Rail Link project as poor in the fortnight before it announced it would support a 2020 start date for the project.   46.9% rated performance on the issue has poor to very poor and 19.9%...

  • What happened to Govt supporters in Auckland poll?

    What happened to Govt supporters in Auckland poll?

    HorizonPoll panel member, John, of Auckland writes after seeing poll results on how Aucklanders rate the Government’s performance on a range of issues:   “Fascinating results for the poll into...

  • Strong disapproval of ban on low home deposits

    Strong disapproval of ban on low home deposits

    Nearly 40% of New Zealanders would disapprove of any Reserve Bank move to require home buyers to have a minimum 20% deposit, a HorizonPoll survey finds.   36.6% would approve if a deposit requirement were imposed by the...

  • Ngapuhi looking for jobs, unity, housing

    Ngapuhi looking for jobs, unity, housing

    Jobs, tribal unity and housing are the most important issues facing Ngāpuhi, the biggest iwi of Aotearoa, according to a new Horizon Research survey.   It also finds that that Ngāpuhi overwhelmingly hope that the coming Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlement will provide education...

  • What do Kiwis expect in 2011?

    What do Kiwis expect in 2011?

    HorizonPoll has launched its first survey for 2011 - covering what people expect to happen to them and the country this year.   The Mood of The Nation survey seeks views and feelings on...

  • Quake regions' top priority: basic infrastructure

    Quake regions' top priority: basic infrastructure

    Getting water, sewerage and other basic services restored is the task most Canterbury residents want the Government and councils to focus on.   The Second highest priority should be re housing, and rehabilitating the housing, of those whose homes are worst affected by...

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