3 Oct 18
An East Coast Bays retiree has won our September 30, 2018, major prize draw!
Aucklander Elizabeth W joined our HorizonPoll panel in April, 2017. She wins $2199 in cash!
And a Tasman District farmer, Arnold M, has won our special member-only draw for $500 cash after one of the friends he invitied to join the panel signed up. Arnold says we've made his day - and he'll probably buy a new set of lawn bowls.
You can also invite your family and friends to be heard - and enter our December 31 $500 cash draw!
All members of our HorizonPoll and Horizon Research Maori panels are now in our December 31 draw for $1000 cash plus the latest iPad Pro (faster than most laptops) valued at $1099)! Or you can take the lot in cash.
We believe better decisions are made when you're making them listen to you.
If you'd like to join our panels please register here now.
You're also welcome to comment on our poll results at our Facebook page.
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