27 Sep 22
A special survey conducted for The Hui television programme reveals some of the reasons why Māori are not getting their children vaccinated against diseases which could cause them great harm.
The Hui reported and discussed very low immunisation rates for some tamariki Māori - with one expert guest saying an outbreak of measles, like that in the Philippines, "is just one flight away".
There are 13 vacines for children aged up until age 17.
The Hui reported latest offical figures showing 67.1% of all children aged six months had had the vaccines they were scheduled to receive by that age. However, among Māori in this age group the vaccination rate was 45.9% and in Counties-Manukau, the centre of a pre-COVID measles outbreak, it was 34.4%.
Key findings from Horizon's nationwide online survey of 529 Māori respondents, representing the Māori adult population, are:
The research found immunisation rates for tamariki Māori are lower than for the child population overall.
Potential to immunise:
The survey indicates there is potential to achieve up to 94% full or partial immunisation among tamariki Māori.
Why caregivers are not having tamariki immunised:
Tiredness over the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns over side effects and distrust of advice are key drivers behind not immunising.
A guest on the panel, Juliet Rumball-Smith, Health NZ's Director of Intelligence, said some of the research findings were encouraging. The high number who believed immunisations were important was "a fantastic base to go from" and "it's important we hear the information we've been given".
Panellists discussed how COVID-19, and the need to focus on vaccinating against it, while access to schools and medical clinics and services had been disrupted, were also behind the lower immunisation rates. But they were now beginning to grow - and the "track back through clinics" to meet health needs was being re-established.
They discussed options to reach whanau with people and at places they trusted - and applying all the infrastructure which had been used to successfully respond to COVID-19, like mobile clinics, events at marae and "vaxathons" being available now to immunise tamariki.
The cost of an outbreak of, say, measles, with half of its victims during the last outbreak in Auckland being admitted to hospital, was far more than an effort to effectively immunised children against diseases.
Further information:
Newshub has reported on The Hui programme.
Further in-depth results of this survey are available to Horizon Research clients.
Please contact:
Graeme Colman, Principal, Horizon Research
Email: gcolman@horizonresearch.co.nz
Telephone: +64 21 858 576.
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