Join the panel!



  • Earn cash for doing our surveys! +$500 cash draw

    Earn cash for doing our surveys! +$500 cash draw

    When you do surveys you can now earn cash for each one you complete. Redeem your earnings using Gift Cards! We'll also have more surveys available so you can earn more rewards. ...

  • Temptation equals... $2,199 worth of dictionaries?

    Temptation equals... $2,199 worth of dictionaries?

    Temptation for our March 31, 2024, major prize draw winner is buying 20 volumes of a dictionary! Anna, of the Waikato, won our prize draw for an iPad Pro and $1000 cash - or her choice of taking $2,199 cash. She chose the cash! ...

  • "I'm a bit stunned!"

    "I'm a bit stunned!"

    Our December 30 2023 major prize draw winner says she's a bit stunned. Maxine H , of Otaki, a member of our HoriznPoll panel since May 2015, says: “I haven't won anything since I was 18, a social club chicken raffle (now 69) so to...

  • Spring prize winner is off to buy clothes - and plants!

    Spring prize winner is off to buy clothes - and plants!

    The winner of our major $2,100 September 30 prize draw says it's spring - so he's off to to buy some new cloths and plants and garden supplies. Ian B, of Lower Hutt, says he likes doing Horizon's surveys because it's "an opportunity to give your opinion...

  • Why our winner does surveys

    Why our winner does surveys

    Faye T, of Manukau, Auckland, has won our June 30 2023, $500 cash draw for referring others to join our HorizonPoll panel. Faye, aged 45-54yrs, says she invited mainly family to join. (Any member inviting others to join gets an entry in the quarterly...

  • Prize goes to pay down the mortgage!

    Prize goes to pay down the mortgage!

    The winner of our major March 31, 2023, prize draw says his $2,199 windfall is likely to be used to pay down his mortgage. Aaron, of Wellington, says he's been completing HorizonPoll surveys since 2014 because he's  a sociologist by trade "and I am always keen...

  • Major prize paying for new glasses

    Major prize paying for new glasses

    The winner of our major December 31, 2022, prize draw is off to the optician. A live-alone Southland pensioner, Trish C, says, when asked how she'll spend her $2,199 win: "Well, I'm on a pension, so you can imagine... I need to get a new pair of glasses, and they're not...

  • What a prize - what a party!

    What a prize - what a party!

    Trevor's $2,199 major HorizonPoll cash draw win means the big birthday party's been paid for. The retired Blenheim Horizon panel member's partner had an 80th birthday party the week before. "It's an amazing thing. This will replace the $2,100 I took...

  • Flash cash news amid a flood

    Flash cash news amid a flood

    Reece got the good news amid a rainy and flooding day in Nelson. He won an instant extra $100 cash prize draw for completing a special health study survey. He was recovering from shoulder surgery when we broke the news. He says he’ll probably put the...

  • Now the kitchen will be even better..

    Now the kitchen will be even better..

    The Nelson winner of our June 30, 2022, major prize draw plans spending the $2,199 cash on "final flourishes" for her kitchen renovation. Chrissie W did her first HorizonPoll surey on August 28, 2010! She says the surveys are interesting to do - and...

  • Major prize winner donates to Ukraine

    Major prize winner donates to Ukraine

    The winner of our March 30 2022 major prize draw is donating $250 of it to the Ukraine Relief Fund. Nelson businessman Tim B is then going to use the rest of the $2,199 to fund a long-disrupted overses trip to catch up with family. "We'll use the...

  • Quick responses – quick $500 cash wins!

    Quick responses – quick $500 cash wins!

    They acted quickly to complete a survey – and both won special draws for $500 cash. And neither of them could believe it. HorizonPoll panel member Ted F was so surprised by the good news when we told him he hadn’t had time to think about what to do with...

  • Major prize winner off to see family in Oz

    Major prize winner off to see family in Oz

    Hatfields Beach, Auckland, superannuitant Valerie W has won our major $2,199 prize draw. And she’ll use her win to pay for a trip to Australia to end a long wait to see family there. Having been an active HorizonPoll panel member since 2010,...

  • After 5 months apart surprise awaits returning whānau!

    After 5 months apart surprise awaits returning whānau!

    Great grandmother Janelle, of Whangarei, is about to meet her 5 month-old great grandson for the first time. Her granddaughter has secured a place in MIQ - and will be bringing the great grandson to New Zealand in November (2021). The trip ends five...

  • Prize winner heads for the Hokianga

    Prize winner heads for the Hokianga

    Our March 31 major prize draw winner will be using the money to help pay for five-hour return trips from Wellington to her family's Hokianga home. Donna, of Ngāpuhi, and living in Wellington for the past 20 years, makes the journey to help a cousin maintain the...

  • Working off the mortgage - and getting a new computer!

    Working off the mortgage - and getting a new computer!

    Doug, of Wigram, Christchurch, is planning to spend his major $2,199 HorizonPoll cash prize win upgading his computer. The 65+ year-old inwards and outwards goods worker says he still has a mortgage ("so I can’t retire – yet"). "I...

  • Cash prize to beat COVID bills!

    Cash prize to beat COVID bills!

    Eddie's major $2,100 Horizon cash prize win is going toward meeting household expenses. The Pasifika father of seven says some of his grown children have lost working income during COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. So the cash is going to help pay...

  • "I'm in shock" - and off on a trip!

    "I'm in shock" - and off on a trip!

    We told Christchurch widow Dale she had won our $2,100 major cash prize draw while she was out. When she called us back she said: "I'm home. I'm still in shock." Now she says she might pay some bills - and perhaps treat herself to see Invercargill...

  • Free from quarantine - with a $100 cash prize win!

    Free from quarantine - with a $100 cash prize win!

    A young Auckland mother got two peices of good news at once: She could leave COVID-19 quarantine, and She won a $100 extra cash draw, for completing a HorizonPoll survey while she and her son were isolated in a hotel. ...

  • It was April Fools Day - but we weren't joking!

    It was April Fools Day - but we weren't joking!

    April 1 is perhaps not the best time to advise someone they’ve won our major prize draw. Our winner says: “I did wonder when I heard your message on my mobile if you were having me on. But you’ve staggered me. This couldn’t have come at a better...

  • This prize will sprout veges!

    This prize will sprout veges!

    Auckland father James P is going to invest his major $2,199 HorizonPoll win in growing food. He says he's going to help his family by buying a vegetable pod. He thinks it the sustainable thing to do - and a positive activity for this children. ...

  • Welder wins $100 Christmas cash prize

    Welder wins $100 Christmas cash prize

    Michelle L from Waitakere, Auckland, has won a $100 extra cash prize draw for Christmas. Michelle, a fabrication welder, entered the draw for completing a December 2019 HorizonPoll survey on vaping issues and potential policy changes. "Oh wow, that's...

  • Lightning strikes the same place twice!

    Lightning strikes the same place twice!

    When he won Horizon's major quarterly prize draw in 2011 we joked that lightning could stike twice. It has. Eli, of Whangaparoa, Auckland, has won our September 30 major quarterly prize draw for $2,199. When he first won eight years ago he was single. ...

  • 13 year-old's in for a great surprise!

    13 year-old's in for a great surprise!

    A 13 year-old is in for a surprise after her father wins our quarterly major prize draw. Martyn C, of Manurewa, Auckland, plans buying her a new computer or tablet to use at intermediate school. An older one bought for her has just ended its useful life. ...

  • $500 cash paid for Easter!

    $500 cash paid for Easter!

    Nick S. of Invercargill has won a $500 Easter cash draw. The special draw was for panel members completing a survey by midnight April 17. The 18-24 year-old Nick was paid the cash during the holiday weekend. To enter major and...

  • "A totally unbelievable day!"

    "A totally unbelievable day!"

    Our latest major prize winner says she's having a "totally unbelievable day"! Anne, from Central Otago, has been completing HorizonPoll surveys since 2008. Now, on April 1, 2019, she's won the major prize, drawn every quarter - our way of saying...

  • Tom from Tawa gets his first iPad!

    Tom from Tawa gets his first iPad!

    Tawa pensioner Tom N has won Horizon's major December 31 prize draw for $1000 cash and an iPad Pro valued at $1299! The 75+ Wellingtonian could have had the lot in cash: $2199. But Tom says he doesn't have an iPad - " and it'll come in very handy". A...

  • Instant cash win - at just the right time!

    Instant cash win - at just the right time!

    We offered a $100 instant cash draw by midnight to complete one of our September surveys. And prize winner Daniel M, of Auckland, says: "Thank you! That's really lovely news, and very welcome as we have just had a financial hit." The instant...

  • Big winners - and more to come!

    Big winners - and more to come!

    An East Coast Bays retiree has won our September 30, 2018, major prize draw! Aucklander Elizabeth W joined our HorizonPoll panel in April, 2017. She wins $2199 in cash! And a Tasman District farmer, Arnold M, has won our special member-only draw for $500 cash...

  • Whooo... one happy father-to-be winner!

    Whooo... one happy father-to-be winner!

    A father-to-be has won Horizon’s June 30 prize draw for $2,199 cash. Lower Hutt professional KH said: “Whooo. Fantastic” when told of his win. He says he and his wife’s baby is due soon. Asked what...

  • Way to go in the age of "fake news"!

    Way to go in the age of "fake news"!

    It’s such a valuable way to give people a voice. So informed decision making can be made. Those of the comments of HorizonPoll panel member Anne P – the winner of Horizon’s March 31 major prize draw for $1000 in cash and an iPhone...

  • It sure comes in handy!

    It sure comes in handy!

    As a pensioner it sure comes it handy! That's the reaction of Manurewa HorizonPoll member Joy M - on hearing she's won our December 31 2017 prize draw for $2199! Joy, aged 75+, joined the HorizonPoll panel in August 2010. She's...

  • $100 cash - what a surprise!

    $100 cash - what a surprise!

    A Waitakere fabrication welder has won our November 24 midnight $100 cash prize survey draw. Michelle L join our HiroznPoll panel in October 2017. Two 18-24 year-olds won our special $100 cash draws for completing a property market survey in October...

  • Grandma is taking the prize - and going to New York!

    Grandma is taking the prize - and going to New York!

    A 74 year-old Wellington grandmother – who’s still working – has won our September 30, 2017, $2199 prize draw. Carol, who still teaches after school programmes privately four days a week, says the win is a great way to celebrate her 75th...

  • Prolific prize hunter strikes our $2199 cash pot!

    Prolific prize hunter strikes our $2199 cash pot!

    He's says he is a "fairly prolific" prize hunter and this is one of his biggest wins yet. A work-from-home Auckland business consultant has won our June 30 prize draw and elected to take $2199 cash. Rob D, of the North Shore, says he's been entering...

  • $2199 in cash - for telling them what he thinks!

    $2199 in cash - for telling them what he thinks!

    If you don’t tell them how will they know? That’s the reason why our March 31 $2199 cash prize winner, Jonathan, of Masterton, has taken part in more than 30 surveys by Horizon since September, 2010. ...

  • Perfect prize timing for new pastor

    Perfect prize timing for new pastor

    Our $2079 cash prize couldn't have come at a better time for our latest winner. Wellingtonian Bevan and his wife are about to move to Trentham to start training as Salvation Army officers, or pastors. ...

  • This time she's caught the big one!

    This time she's caught the big one!

    This time the big one didn’t get away… The winner of our September 30, 2016, HorizonPoll prize draw says she’s a “little weekend fisher”. And Moira, the Palmerston North office worker, who’s been completing...

  • Now you can win the latest iPhone 7!

    Now you can win the latest iPhone 7!

    We've upgraded our prize choice for you! Now you can choose $1000 cash OR your choice of: iPad air iPhone 6, or ...

  • She says "take the iPhone"!

    She says "take the iPhone"!

    He wanted the cash, but his wife says he needs a new iPhone and he'd never buy one himself. So Charles, of Waikane, north of Wellington, the winner of our June 30...

  • Winning Dad to help daughter

    Winning Dad to help daughter

    Hamilton dad Robert will use a $2079 HorizonPoll cash prize win to help his daugther through financially tight times. Robert, a member of the HorizonPoll panel since February 2012, won our March 31, 2016, major prize draw. He says his daughter and...

  • Prize pays for painter!

    Prize pays for painter!

    HorizonPoll's $2079 cash prize will help pay for the house painter. Auckland business executive Robin is the winner of our December 31 prize draw and says "we have the painter in and this will help pay for it". Although he says he might change his mind and buy a golf cart...

  • Spreading the joy!

    Spreading the joy!

    "Oh my god, that's fantastic!" The reaction of Wellington resident Melissa G when she learned she had won our special $500 cash prize draw for Horizon research panel members who completed a Wellington Mayoral elections survey by midnight December 17, 2015. Melissa...

  • Cash win for moving family best timing ever!

    Cash win for moving family best timing ever!

    “Just the best timing ever!” That’s how a Wainuiomata mother of two Jacinta describes winning Horizon’s September 30, 2015, $2079 prize draw. “It’s like the best timing ever… we have to move home and my...

  • Rosemary's first ever prize win!

    Rosemary's first ever prize win!

     A Porirua invalid’s beneficiary has won our June 30 prize draw! Rosemary T has chosen to take her prize in cash: $1759.   On her benefit-only income, she says the...

  • Cash is the good news after bike crash "face plant"!

    Cash is the good news after bike crash "face plant"!

    The chair of one of the country’s large not-for-profit community trusts has won our March 31 prize draw for $1759 cash!   Jenny M, of Whakatane, who is also working part time as an agent for a Member of Parliament, has been a HorizonPoll panel member since June 2011...

  • The great decision: iPad for 10,12 year-olds?

    The great decision: iPad for 10,12 year-olds?

    Is it time for 10 and 12 year-olds to have an iPad?   That’s the decision the winner of our $1000 cash and $759 iPad air prize draw is making. Auckland father of two Angus says: “No doubt certain people will be queuing for it. They’re just...

  • Down in the dumps over engine woes - and he's a winner!

    Down in the dumps over engine woes - and he's a winner!

    His vehicle engine blew up and he was “sitting down getting into the dumps”– when Horizon called to say he’d won our September 30 draw.   John, of Hamilton, a member of Horizon’s Maori Panel, not surprisingly decided to take cash instead of an...

  • Dust busting with prize booty!

    Dust busting with prize booty!

    Auckland call centre worker Josephine will spend part of her $1759 cash prize from our June 30 draw to buy a dust buster to clean her car.   And the rest might go to her credit card account.   Josephine decided to take the lot in cash after winning our...

  • Prize “gold” for 50th wedding anniversary

    Prize “gold” for 50th wedding anniversary

    “Amazing” and “very thrilled” is how Auckland executive Peter O describes his $1,759 cash win in Horizon’s December 31 draw for panel members. ...

  • 5 seconds wins $100 cash!

    5 seconds wins $100 cash!

    We offered a $100 cash draw for HorizonPoll members answering a five-second, single question  survey in December.   The $100 prize has been won by Christchurch superannuitant Bevan W, one thousands to respond in less than five hours.   Thanks to...

  • Retirement income: “They have to do something”

    Retirement income: “They have to do something”

    The idea of introducing compulsory retirement saving is generally well received among employees on below-average incomes, according to qualitative research conducted through the HorizonPoll panel.   Horizon Research recruited 33 people for one-on-one interviews which were...

  • First the heart attack – then the prize!

    First the heart attack – then the prize!

    67 year-old Michael O of New Lynn, Auckland, says his luck is in.   Michael is the winner of our September 30 HorizonPoll panel member draw for $1000 cash and a fabulous iPad4 valued at $759.   Eight weeks beforehand he suffered a heart attack and says...

  • "Awesome!" - no job but $1759 richer!

    "Awesome!" - no job but $1759 richer!

    The winner of Horizon's June 30 $1000 cash and $759 iPad4 prize is a Dunedin administration worker - who's currently looking for a job.   Mel's first reaction to news of her win was: "That's awesome!"   She's now deciding wether to take the cash and iPad...

  • iPad goes down to the farm!

    iPad goes down to the farm!

    “I’m ecstatic!”   That was the reaction of Waitaki District HorizonPoll panel member Ele when she learned she’d won our March 31 prize draw for $1000 cash and an iPad.   She has an iPad – but her farmer husband needed one...

  • Great holiday news for Dunedin HorizonPoll member

    Great holiday news for Dunedin HorizonPoll member

    He was away on holiday and out of cellphone range. But "far out!" was Mike King's e-mailed response when told he'd won HorizonPoll's end-of-year member prize draw.   The $1000 cash has already gone to his bank account and the iPad4 has arrived at his Dunedin home...

  • Merry Christmas for five panellists

    Wow! And "It couldn't have arrived at a better time".   These were some of the reactions of vie HorizonPoll panellists - who won $100 cash each a special Christmas prize draw conducted among those who completed our November 23 to December 5 nationwide poll.  ...

  • Two happy kids in Mt Roskill...

    Two happy kids in Mt Roskill...

    Two delighted young people in Mt Roskill.   The 12 and 17 year-olds will get to use the fabulous Third Generation iPad prize from Horizon Research.   Their social worker father has won the iPad and $1000 cash in our September 30 prize draw. ...

  • Increase your chances of winning - AND help charity!

    Increase your chances of winning - AND help charity!

    We've just changed our prize draw system - so you get many more chances of winning.   And we hope we will give thousands of dollars to charities nominated by HorizonPoll members!   As a HorizonPoll panel member - you get another entry in the...

  • Ill Christchurch Dad wins HorizonPoll prize

    Ill Christchurch Dad wins HorizonPoll prize

    He’s been unwell for the past four to five years. But “fantastic!” is how a Christchurch father of two describes his HorizonPoll cash and iPad win.   The business executive has been unable to work because of illness.   Kim A has been...

  • "Fantastic - feels like I've won Lotto": our latest cash and iPad winner

    "Fantastic - feels like I've won Lotto": our latest cash and iPad winner

    A Wellington fund raiser for non-profit groups has won our March 31 draw for prizes valued at more than $1700.   Heather N of Upper Hutt says: "This is fantastic, thanks so much. I feel like I've won lotto!"   Heather has won $1000 cash and a...

  • Prize-winning mum says PlayStation conquers child car bordeom

    Prize-winning mum says PlayStation conquers child car bordeom

    A portable PlayStation and I Spy. These are the two cures for boredom for the winner of our $100 petrol prize for mothers completing our children and travel survey.   Andrea, a Tauranga mum of a 10 year-old, says her son is a “teenager in training”, and the...

  • New iPad and $1000 cash winner!

    New iPad and $1000 cash winner!

    A Hawkes Bay health worker has won our latest $1000 cash and iPad2 prize draw!   Jo D describes it as: "Great news!!"   Jo has been a member of our HorizonPoll national panel since August 2010. She helps manage services for those with...

  • Prizes

    Join our HorizonPoll nationwide panel right now and we will  Make sure your views are heard Give you an opportunity to do more surveys - and earn cash for each